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begging for money Unlike similar study aids which charge hundreds, I am releasing this material for free. I don’t want to leverage student’s test anxiety for a profit or contribute to student’s ever increasing debt. I also believe charging $1000 or more for a course discriminates against students from lower socioeconomic classes and by extension contributes to the inequitable representation of people from certain backgrounds within the medical field. However, I also have six figures worth of grad school loans and have spent a nice chunk of change on this website (recording equipment, software, web hosting, hiring graphic designers …). So PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING to the project if you would like to see more content. I am currently planning on expanding the content, creating a flashcard app and practice tests, but none of that will be possible if I continue to hemorrhage money on the project. I’m not looking for much and every little bit helps. If everyone watching my videos gave a small one time donation of 5 or 10 bucks I’d have enough cash to improve the site without digging any further into my own piggy bank. [paypal-donation]






Picture Used is available at via public domain

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